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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Feeling stretched in your role as a caregiver? Caregiving can be stressful—physically, emotionally, and financially. Whether you care for a loved one at home or in a care facility, nearby or far away, your role is important.

This six-session virtual class sessions will give you the skills to take care of yourself while caring for someone else.

Topics include:

  • Taking Care of You
  • Identifying and Reducing Personal Stress
  • Communicating Feelings, Needs and Concerns
  • Learning from Emotions
  • Communicating in Challenging Situations
  • Mastering Caregiving Decisions

This workshop takes place on Mondays, April 14-May 19. Participants must commit to a minimum of 4 of the 6 sessions. Register by Monday, April 7. Contact program facilitator, Kim Dickens with any questions at 828-337-2359.

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